Thursday, February 4, 2010

South Pacific in Seattle

The sun is out in Seattle! Just what we need to get through a 9-show week here!
It's crazy, 9 shows in a week, but I'm interested to see how hard it will actually be. The show is so streamlined now that we are all working very efficiently, so it should be OK. We are still getting standing ovations at every performance, so apparently the quality of the show is remaining high.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Grammys continued

Well, we didn't get the Grammy for Saint François d'Assise, but I was in good company, as Placido Domingo was also nominated for Marco Polo and he didn't win either! My congratulations go out to Nathan Gunn and the others involved in the Billy Budd recording that DID win. My wife Tina and son Marc and sister-in-law Liz had an amazing time anyway. But I really did want that golden Grammaphone in my hands!